Mujeres Latinas: We share many fabulous traits; we are smart, sexy,vibrant and committed to our families. We are amazing woman who proudly embrace our roots and we are not only defined by our culture. But, also our self confidence, achievements and our values.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Who will remember what your kid's favorite food was when they were 4 yrs old?

Hola queridas!

I hope all is well with you ladies!  I apologize, but I have not been blogging.... Grecias started 1st grade and it has been a busy couple of weeks.  So, you see the pic of my Bautista above.  I am going to do this every year for both of my kiddos.  This is a great way of keep track of their favorite things as they grow up and see their changes.  I will make a little book for each one and give it to them when they 18 yrs old.  I am thinking they will probably allow me to do this until they are teens.  Right? I hope you ladies like this idea and perhaps give it a try! Check out Grecia....
¡Espero que se encuentren bien! Me disculpo, pero yo no he estado blogueando. ... Grecia comenzó primer grado y ha sido unas semanitas muy ocupadas. Bueno, ven la foto de mi Bautista arriba. Haré esto todos los años para ambos de mis niños. Sera una manera de  recordar las cosas favoritas de mis hijo, como crecen y ven sus cambios. Haré un libro pequeño para cada uno y se lo daré a ellos cuando tengan 18 años . Pienso que ellos probablemente me permitirán hacer esto hasta elos quieran... Pero you lo seguire haciendo. Espero que les guste esta idea y quiza lo traten!
Vean la foto de Grecia:


1 comment:

  1. I like the idea. every year the child change their favorite food, color, activity and so on.
    I had one book that I bought from a school fundraiser and ask the child to sign their name. The signature change from big print to small nice handwriting.
